What happens to the reviews on ProvenExpert when my subscription ends?

  • You can continue to use your reviews even after your subscription has expired.

  • If you downgrade from a paid plan to the FREE plan, reviews from external sources will no longer be displayed on your ProvenExpert profile and the number of reviews displayed in your public profile will be reduced to 10.

  • When logged in, you can still see all reviews on your profile page.
  • In addition, if you are in the FREE plan and you have more than 10 reviews, the overall rating, recommendation rate and stars will no longer be displayed on your seal or profile. 


If you have used the Google Stars rich snippet for your website in the PLUS or PREMIUM package, it will no longer be delivered after the end of the subscription, i.e. it will no longer appear on your website and the stars will no longer be displayed in the organic search results. If you have used the PRO Seal with rich snippet, you will keep the PRO Seal, but also in this case the rich snippet will be disabled, so the stars will disappear in the search results.