How can I setup my Zapier integration?

This guide will help you get started with setting up and using the ProvenExpert plugin in Zapier.



  • A ProvenExpert account (with a premium subscription)
  • A registered Zapier account.

Step 1: Logging into Zapier and Creating a Zap

  1. Login to your Zapier account.

  2. Navigate to the "Zaps" menu.

  3. Click the "Create" button and select "New Zap".

This will open the Zapier editor where you can start configuring your Zap.

Step 2: Connecting the ProvenExpert Plugin:

To connect a ProvenExpert account to Zapier, you need to set up the Trigger: New Review, which will allow you to select your ProvenExpert account and use it for further Zap configurations.

  1. In the Zap editor, go to the "Trigger" section.

  2. Use the search bar to find and select the "ProvenExpert".

  3. In the "Event" dropdown menu, select "Trigger: New Review".

  4. Choose your ProvenExpert account.

Note: If this is your first time connecting, you will need to enter your ProvenExpert credentials. You can find this information in your ProvenExpert account on the 'Developer' page (username and API keys) using the link provided on the authentication page, or you can use this link to log in to your ProvenExpert account. If everything is correct, you’ll receive a confirmation, and your account will be linked for future use.

Step 3: Configuring the Survey Code for Trigger

After connecting your ProvenExpert account to Zapier, you will need to configure the trigger and test the setup to ensure everything works correctly.

  1. Click Next to move to the configuration tab.

  2. Select the survey code corresponding to the survey in your ProvenExpert account. This survey will trigger the "New Review" event.

  3. Move to the "Test" section and click "Test Trigger".

  4. The system will check the trigger configuration and provide confirmation if everything is set up correctly.

Now your ProvenExpert account is connected, and you can use the "Trigger: New Review" to set up further actions in your Zap.

Step 4: Other actions with the Trigger

1. Edit and Manage Triggers

  • To edit an existing trigger, navigate to the Setup tab.

  • Click Change next to the “Account” section.

  • Connect a new account or replace the old one.

The new account is successfully connected and the trigger is reconfigured.

2. Search and Select Accounts

  • Create a new Zap and select the ProvenExpert.

  • Choose the Trigger: New Review.

  • Use the search function to find and select a previously connected account.

The account is selected and ready for use.

3. Reconnect Expired Accounts

  • If an account connection expires, you’ll see a "This account connection is expired" notification.

  • Click the Options button (three dots).

  • Select Reconnect and enter valid credentials.

The account is reconnected successfully.

4. Additional Account Actions

  • Edit Connection Name: Navigate to the Account tab, select an account, and click Edit Connection Name.

  • Expected result: The updated name is displayed in the account list.

  • Invalid Authentication: If invalid credentials are used during authentication, the user will not be authenticated, and an error message will be displayed.

Step 5: Creating Actions

Once the trigger is set, you can create actions, which may involve ProvenExpert or integrate with other systems. ProvenExpert provides three action options:

  1. Send Survey Invitation via Email

  2. Create Individual Survey URL

  3. Gather Surveys Metrics

Send Survey Invitation via Email

This action automatically sends survey invitations to clients via email (ProvenExpert-sendout). You need to choose the survey and the recipient's email address where the invitation will be sent. You can select multiple emails and specify recipient names.

1. Test Send-Out Action for Multiple Users

  • In Zapier, click Add step.

  • Search and select the ProvenExpert.

  • Choose the “Send survey invitation via Email” event from the “Action event” dropdown menu and click “Continue.”

  • Enter a valid, unused email address in the “Contact field” and name (optional), and click “Continue.”

  • A new email and name field will appear; add another valid email address and name (optional) and select a “Survey Code” from the dropdown menu.

  • Click “Continue,” then click “Test Step.” The “Data out” section should show a success status with mailing count details.

  • Finally, click the “Publish” button. The Zap should be successfully published, and users should receive the survey links.

The email addresses should receive the survey links, and the “Data out” section should indicate a successful operation with the correct counts.

2. Authenticate a New User and Publish Without Testing

  • Follow the initial steps from Test Case 1.

  • Click the “Change” button and select “Connect new user.”

  • Enter valid ProvenExpert account credentials and click “Yes, Continue…”

  • Add two email addresses and select a “Survey Code.”

  • Click “Continue” and then “Skip Test.”

  • Click the “Publish” button to finalize the process.

The new user should be authenticated, and the Zap should be published successfully without running the test step.

3. Test Repeated Sending of Emails

  • Search for the ProvenExpert and select it. Choose the “Send survey invitation via Email” event and click “Continue.”

  • Click “Change” and select a previously used user from the list.

  • Add two email addresses that were previously used, select a survey code, and click “Continue,” then “Test Step.”

  • The “Data out” section should show that the emails exist and were not sent again.

The “Data out” section should indicate that the emails were not resent, and the Zap should be published successfully.

4. Authenticate User with Invalid Credentials

  • Search for the ProvenExpert and select it. Choose the “Send survey invitation via Email” event.

  • Click “Change” and select “Connect new user.”

  • Enter invalid credentials and check for errors.

An error message should appear, indicating that authentication failed.

5. Test Deactivated Survey Code

  • Deactivate any survey in the ProvenExpert account.

  • In Zapier, search for the ProvenExpert, select it, and choose the “Send survey invitation via Email” event.

  • Add two email addresses and open the “Survey Code” dropdown menu.

  • The deactivated survey should not be displayed in the list.

The deactivated survey should not appear in the dropdown menu.

6. Test Editing Survey

  • Complete the full flow of sending invitations as described earlier.

  • Edit the survey in the ProvenExpert account.

  • Open a survey link from an email to ensure the edited survey is displayed correctly.

The edited survey should be displayed correctly when accessed from the invitation link.

7. Test Open Deleted Survey

  • Complete the full flow of sending invitations as described earlier.

  • Delete the survey used during Zap creation.

  • Open a survey link from an email to check the result.

A message indicating that the survey is no longer accessible should be displayed.

8. Test Deactivate & Reactivate Survey

  • Complete the full flow of sending invitations.

  • Deactivate the survey in the ProvenExpert account and open a survey link from an email.

  • Reactivate the survey in the ProvenExpert account and reload the survey page.

  • The survey should be accessible again after reactivation.

The deactivated survey should show as no longer accessible, but after reactivation, it should be accessible again.

9. Test Using One Zap for Multiple Surveys

  • Open an existing published Zap, change the “Survey Code,” and proceed to the “Test” tab.

  • Click “Test Step” and then “Publish.”

  • A new invitation link should be sent to contacts based on the updated survey code.

A new invitation link should be sent to contacts with the updated survey code.

10. Test Survey Code Dropdown Menu & Data Saving

  • Select “Survey Sendout” and connect a valid ProvenExpert account.

  • Add valid contacts, open the “Survey Code” dropdown menu, and use search functionality to identify surveys.

  • Select and clear survey codes to test dropdown functionality.

  • Change the “Contacts” and “Survey Code” data and proceed to “Test.”

  • Updated contacts should receive the correct survey.

The search and selection functionality should work correctly, and updated contacts should receive the appropriate survey.

Create Individual Survey URL

This action generates a unique, one-time link for a survey invitation, which can be used in workflows or emails.

1. Creating an Individual Survey Link

  • In Zapier, click Add step.

  • Search and select the ProvenExpert.

  • Choose Create Individual Survey Link from the “Event” dropdown.

  • Select a Survey from the Survey code dropdown and enter a valid email and name (optional).

  • Click Continue, then Test Step.

A unique survey invitation link is generated, shown in the “Data out” block.

2. Editing the Survey Code or Email in an Existing Zap

  • Navigate to the Action or Configure tab.

  • Update the Survey code or Email.

  • Click Continue, then Test Step.

A new unique invitation link is generated based on the updated information.

3. Handling Multiple or Invalid Emails

  • Multiple emails: Enter two email addresses in the Email field, separated by a space, and run the Test Step. You should see a message “An error is displayed” (multiple emails are not supported).

  • Invalid email: Enter an email without an “@” symbol, and run the Test Step. An error message is shown.

4. Refreshing the Survey List

  • Open the Survey code dropdown menu.

  • Click Refresh results after creating a new survey in ProvenExpert.

The newly created survey appears in the list.

5. Clearing or Handling a Deleted Survey Code

  • Clear selection: Open the Survey code dropdown and click Clear the selection. The survey code should be cleared.

  • Deleted survey: If the selected survey was deleted in ProvenExpert, run the Test Step. You should see a message “An unknown survey code” error is shown.

Gather Survey Metrics

This action retrieves survey statistics (e.g., ratings from reviews) to use in further steps of your workflow.

1. Initiating the Metrics Check

  • Open the ProvenExpert in your workflow editor.

  • In the "Action event" dropdown menu, select “Gather Survey Metrics”.

  • Click Continue.

  • In the "Survey" dropdown, search for and select the desired survey.

  • Click Test Step.

The "Data out" block displays the survey's metrics, such as Response Rate, Average Rating, and Reviews Count.

2. Editing Metrics for Another Survey

Once you've already gathered metrics for one survey, you can update the workflow to check metrics for a different survey.

  • Go to the Configure tab of the workflow.

  • Select another survey from the dropdown.

  • Click Continue and Test Step buttons.

The "Data out" block updates, showing the accurate data for the newly selected survey.

3. Updating Metrics After New Reviews

If users provide new reviews after you've initially gathered metrics, you can retest the step to reflect the new data.

  • Note the current metrics (e.g., Response Rate, Average Rating, Reviews Count) before new reviews are submitted.

  • Have a user submit a new review for the selected survey.

  • In the workflow's Test tab, click Retest Step.

The metrics update based on the new review, reflecting changes in Response Rate, Average Rating, and Reviews Count.

4. Special Case: Updating After Publishing Reviews in ProvenExpert Admin

Sometimes, reviews might be unpublished and then later published in the ProvenExpert system. This scenario explains how to update your data after reviews are published.

  • Pay attention to the Unpublished Count in the initial metrics (e.g., 3 unpublished reviews).

  • In the ProvenExpert admin panel, publish one of the unpublished reviews.

  • Return to the workflow and click Retest Step.

The Unpublished Count decreases by 1, reflecting the published review.

5. Special Case: Handling Deactivated or Deleted Surveys

If a survey is deactivated or deleted in the ProvenExpert system, it won't appear in the dropdown list when gathering metrics.

  • Open the ProvenExpert and select “Gather Survey Metrics” in the "Action event" dropdown menu.

  • Click Continue.

  • Search for deactivated or deleted surveys in the dropdown menu.

The deactivated and deleted surveys will not appear in the dropdown list, ensuring only active surveys can be selected for metrics gathering.