What does the ProvenExpert review process look like for my customers?

  • There are different options to invite your customers to leave a review, e.g. via email, link sharing, QR-code, social media or your customers click the "Review now" button on your ProvenExpert profile.

  • After clicking on the link to your survey or after clicking on the button on your profile, your customers are taken to the survey, which can look like this:

Example survey the way customers see it

  • Your customers have the possibility to rate whole categories or to answer more detailed questions in the category by expanding the category (by clicking on details).

expanded category "quality" that reveals all sub-questions

  • Note: at least one category must always be reviewed in order to submit the review.

  • After clicking on Finish, customers will be taken to this page to confirm their details:

last page in review process where customer enters name and submits survey

  • Here it is necessary to provide an email address to verify the authenticity of the reviewer. Entering a name is optional.

  • By clicking Submit, customers will receive an email in their inbox to verify their review with one click.


Note: If you invite your customers by clicking on Send survey invitations via email, the step to validate the email address in the rating process is omitted.

section inside the product where profile owner can send survey invitation by email